Saturday, December 31, 2005

NYE, Christmas, moving and a ham sandwich

I helped my friend, Ben, move out today (good luck with your new place!). I had expected we'd hang out afterwards and celebrate NYE in style, but no such luck. Him being tired and all and being sensitive to his new roommates was the reason and I totally respect that, but now it means another holiday alone and uneventful. :( I'll get by with some live trance streams and some gaming.

I'm going to miss both of his miniature Dachshunds and their unique ways of greeting me (by trying to bite my nose) and I most likely won't be seeing him as much since he now lives about 30 minutes away and has roommates, but I'm glad that's he's got a new place. Change is hard. I'll get used to it, though.

Instead of an excuse to celebrate, the holidays this year for me have been uneventful and seriously depressing as I've spent them alone and have not really thought of them as being special days (we didn't even set up a tree for Christmas this year). I got some presents early (though selfish desire is not the reason for Christmas, only the most recognizable tradition), but we didn't really have any family over or have a gift exchange this year. This is the end result of a slowly graduating isolatist trend for me and I don't like the outcome.

That will have to be something I will work in this new year, a time where change is something we can't avoid and we take the time to reflect on ways we can change ourselves (and hopefully improve).

I have some goals for this new year:
    eat better
    exercise more
    lose weight
    do a DTS in the Spring (I'm looking at several: one in Colorado, one in Perth, Australia, and some in Japan
    get out of debt
    my happiness to be independent of exterior factors (most likely the one on my list that will be hardest to come by)

This year has been very challenging for everyone around me. My friends and family have each had hardships that were very trying for them and I'm glad that they've overcome. Life is (or should be) constant improvement and change, leaving me to feel as one who's life hasn't been lived.

Damn, this post is impulsive and bleak. Oh well, I wrote it already so it's too late to turn back now. What's a "personal" journal if one can't bare their soul every one in a while. :p

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

More 360 'lists'

Falling in line with my post (...and now the bad), one of the writers for had a list of his own. While there are some of the same items on his list, there were a few that I hadn't really experienced (and therefore didn't know about yet), plus it's pretty well written.

He did get some flak for it and wrote a companion piece with suggestions from other who wrote him.

The good thing about writing these lists, or posting at the official Xbox forums (especially the Wish List and Feedback forum), is that according to Major Nelson and John Porcaro, "the dev team listens to constructive (and occasionally unconstructive) feedback, and prioritize future development accordingly."

Friday, December 23, 2005

Narnia & Call of Duty 2

I saw Narnia yesterday with family (as something of a Christmas tradition), went out to eat at the nearby Penn Station and after returning home, finished up Call of Duty 2.

I thought Narnia was okay: the CGI/compositing was pretty bad in some places, the acting was alright, but I just didn't feel connected to the story or characters. Though reading C.S. Lewis as a child and having family members who loved the series, I just don't find myself caring for the story as much as the Lord of the Rings books.

I'd read the Hobbit as required reading in junior high and liked it, but only when I heard more about the movies did I actually have more interest in reading the rest of Tolkien's books. I read the trilogy months before the first LotR movie came out and I really enjoyed it (as well as the movies themselves). I think Narnia is mainly written for kids and therefore I don't have as much interest in it. I might re-read them as an adult, but if they make any more Narnia movies, they'd better put a lot more effort and money into them.

What I want to see right now is King Kong. Peter Jackson (along with the rest of his Kiwi troup) are extremely talented and I can't wait to see how Weta and Peter Jackson bring the Halo franchise to the big screen.

Oh, Call of Duty 2 has an excellent single player campaign. Challenging on the hardest difficulty but very rewarding because of it. The environments and sound are extremely immersive and a joy to be in. The stages are full of variety and there are some really fun levels to play, like the tanks missions especially. I rented it and have already sent it back in the mail, but what an amazing game. Though, I'm glad to be done with it, as there were some excrutiatingly hard parts to it. :)

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Condemned is completed; 'OCD' be damned!

Well, not 100% complete meaning that I've unlocked all of the achievements. There's 3 I've not not gotten: Silver and Gold Mayhem (beat 3 levels/whole game with melee only) and the Melee Freedom (find every melee weapon and firearm in the game). I'm pretty sure I've gotten every weapon in the game and I was considering going through the game again (or at least 3 levels) with only melee weapons, but 90 Gamerpoints is not worth it to me. Once through was enough for me, besides I've got Call of Duty 2 and I'd much rather play through the rest of that game than go through Condemned again. ;)

Sunday, December 18, 2005

...and now the bad

While I still think the Xbox 360 is a great game system, I think there could be improvements to it. These are all things that would make usability improved and could be changed just by downloading an update online (or however else they want to do it). MS has improved the UI and added features through Xbox Live on the old Xbox, so it's not much of a stretch. This list runs from small annoyances to minor gripes about how they implemented a certain aspect.

Well, here goes:

Media Playback
* When a game takes control back over the game, the music you are playing stops, then restarts at beginning of track, it should pause, then resume exactly where it left off (though at least it saves your playlist and resumes playing at the beginning of that track)
* More Codec Support (streaming from PC, reading off removable media and USB storage)
* APE/FLAC, etc audio support (at least support the GNU/Open Source ones; I don't expect you to support the commercial codecs; you could make the commercial codecs premium content)
* XVID, AVI, etc video support (")
* Better/more controls for movie and DVD playback (fast forward, rewind, skip frame)
* scrolling titles in music and marketplace content in menu
* When playing music that the Xbox 360 has generated as a "playlist", you should be able to see the playlist and switch to tracks you want instead of only being able to skip one track at a time
* Music playing in the Xbox 360 should keep playing or pause like it should when a game takes control back, and resume when you change games in XLA
* Media streaming from SAMBA shares: why with all the talk of wanting to connect to everything, did you not support allow networking to work without using WMC (thereby excriminating against Linux, etc users). I was VERY unhappy when I tried to install it on XP x64 until I found a workaround for it.
* Movie playback without MCE: I think the MCE interface is very appealing and that should be added value when playing back media on your Xbox 360, but it shouldn't be a requirement (I understand about all of the extra stuff like playing back DVR content; that would also be added value for MCE users). $400 dollars for a console is not cheap and for people that don't have MCE, seeing that as being a prerequisite instead of an enhancement for movie playback, just looks like you are purposefully trying to cripple the 360 just to make more MCE sales.

Menu Enhancements
* Remember position in current playlist when exiting out to the menu for trailers, more sorting options (date downloaded, alphabetic, length, etc..)
* When in submenus on blades, there needs to be a way to exit back out to the main menu with one button press (just like the Guide button does when pressing it after hitting it)

Xbox Live Enhancements
* Why does your achievements only give the date when you are signed into Xbox Live?
* Disconnecting from Xbox Live when playing Condemned, for example, makes you return to the menu screen (VERY FRUSTRATING! when you have to play over from the last checkpoint)
* Single listing for trailers (have submenus to download them in 720p and 480p instead)
* Single listing for Xbox Live Arcade games (not one for both the trial and full version
* Single listing for trailers (some trailers are listed both in the "Xbox 360 Dashboard" and "Digital Entertainment" sections)
* Items listed as new in the Marketplace should be based on if you've viewed them (I'm not sure if it does this already or if by how long it has been up there)
* Make downloading content (trailers, games, demos, etc...) a background process (w/ queueing possibly)

General Enhancements
* Online save storage: I took a survey where you mentioned this. Is that going to be the only way to transport saves from your Xbox to the 360? What about the people who don't have Xbox Live? Backwards compatability isn't much fun when you have to start over from scratch. :(
* Having a setting to stop the auto loading of games (both at startup and just closing the tray with a game inside), though I think it should be default to auto-load. There could also be seperate settings to auto-load based on media type: data, DVD-movie, audio CD, game, etc...

Achievement Unlocked

I love when that comes up on my screen when playing on my Xbox 360. I've become somewhat addicted to unlocking achievements which add up to my total Gamerscore (look to my Gamercard on my blog to see mine).

I think they are a really innovative addi(c)tion to games. I like to beat my games as much as I can and this gives me another motivation to complete them, as well as adding new and interesting ways to play and finish the game. If you don't have 1000 points on the game (200 for Xbox Live Arcade games), you haven't 'finished' it yet.

Though there are some flaws to how many points are given for each achievement in some games and the requirements to earn achievements may be easier to comply with than in others, so it cheapens the overall Gamerscore comparison based on how many you have. It is up to the developers how they want to give out achievements, but every person that plays that game has to have done the same things to get them, so it's still fair in that sense.

Achievements are just one of the really cool things that I enjoy about the Xbox 360 that I really didn't think would be that much of a draw, but they really are fun to acquire. There's just so many other things that are really unique and innovative about Microsoft is doing in the video game world, first with the Xbox, Xbox Live and the 360 now.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Happy Days

Well, I'm liking my Xbox 360, PGR3 and (I just bought) Kameo. The graphics are awesome, even on my 24" flat screen CRT SDTV with component inputs, though I've been dreaming of the day I could afford an HDTV. My friend got an HDTV and it's really nice, but they are still too expensive for me.

The media capabilities are a step down from XBMC on the Xbox in the freedom/choice of formats it supports and the way in which one can access their content over a LAN. It is nice that they have connectivity with USB 2.0 devices of different types, but it really is somewhat of a disappointment on the media side. XBMC is super customizable (I just made my own weather icons for it the other day) and does everything one could want in regards to the number of formats it supports, the combatability with different computers, and the fact that it's customizable by the user (this is one of open sources' strong points). There's also scripts that you can download to make it do everything from read your favorite RSS feeds, look at the newest comics, and watch trailers. Plus, because it's open source, it's free and the rate of development is amazingly fast (they keep bringing new features ,tweaking the UI and fixing bugs constantly).

The Xbox 360 is such a powerful piece of hardware and it's such a shame that Microsoft limits the potential. It would be great to be able to have XBMC as an official program on the Xbox 360 (then it would be able to play WMV-HD videos). I'd pay for it, but it would be even better if it was a download on Xbox Live Marketplace (which is great, btw!). That way they could bring updates to it every week or so. Now, that will probably never happen, but it would be great even if it meant losing the ability to tweak it to your liking.

I really like that Microsoft has tried to make the console more capable out of the box, but I want more (and I also don't want to have to buy a MCE PC just to watch movies from my PC or removable media). I like the 360 interface for gaming, XBL Arcade games, the fact that I can somewhat customize the interface (but I don't want to have to pay for something stupid like GamerPics and themes) and finally being able to get back on Xbox Live with my friends. It really is awesome (and now it's free). I like the achievements (more like addicted :) and I like everything else about it (though there are some slight issues I have with the hardware: the noise mainly). I'm glad to say that I haven't had any problems with mine.

I say give the XBMC devs an XDK and let them make it an official product, bring them on board, or at the very least update the Xbox 360 to have the same basic features as the XBMC: Music (and its selection of free formats like APE, FLAC; hey, you did it with the AAC codec), Movies (I think the MCE interface itself is added value and incentive to buy one, but I don't think it should be a requirement to watch movies off your PC), Pictures (already done), and Weather (I'd like the weather forecast; it'd be easy to do, just use an RSS feed). Give us a MUCH better DVD player, too. ;)

Oh, and I just put up my Weekly Top Artists into the sidebar. Pretty cool; I just learned about being able to do that.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

HDTV & Xbox 360 Technical Guides

Gamespot, for all their all of their hatin' on Xbox, have some very interesting tech articles that were done very nicely and easily show the differences (just move your mouse over the pictures and wait for the comparison pictures to load) between the Xbox and Xbox 360 versions of games in HD and the differences between the cabling options of the Xbox 360.

There's also somewhat of a helpful guide to buying an HDTV including tips about things to think about including what screen size to buy based on how big your room is, what types of display types are most likely to fit in your budget and explanation about the different display types including pros and cons. It's not like I can go out and buy one, but this should be helpful to at least someone. :)

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The Lost: me. (I need GPS!)

Oh, I got REAL lost on the way home from my friend Ben's house last night (I had to give his new HDTV a work out). I was going to go to Wal-Mart to see if they had a Microsoft Points card (they didn’t have it or I didn’t want to wait for someone to ask), then go to either Taco Bell or McDonald’s in Medway before going home.

I found my way to Wal-Mart easily enough, but when I took I-70, I missed my exit and was trying to find an exit to turn around. I knew not to take 675 (maybe I should have); I took the next one, 4, instead. Now, I was thinking it might be a normal exit that I could turn around on, but it was another road like I-70 (only smaller) and was planning on finding an exit to turn around on there, but it was confusing and the other direction was closed.

So, I got off 4 went around looking for a way to go the other direction on 4 (not knowing that it was closed). Finally, after driving around for a bit got back on 4 in the direction I was going and took the next exit, 68, and, knowing that road meets with I-70, took it South, hoping that it was the right direction. It was and I found I-70 West and went back to, what I thought was the exit I was supposed to take, 675 N/Spangler Rd, but missed it (not knowing that the exit for 675 South was the same off-ramp for Spangler, which was the road I thought I was supposed to take). Then, I kept traveling and took 235 N (the next exit) and I finally realized this was the exit I wanted all along.

I went to McDonald’s (open 24-hours) and got some food. Then, knowing the quickest way back home was Palmer Rd. I went south on 235 and found Palmer and then mistaking the next crossroad as being 40, took a left (it was actually Bellefontaine Rd. and was now heading south). I passed under I-70 (without even knowing it) and drove by Taylorville Rd., knowing that by now I took a wrong turn. I took a left on Taylorsville because I thought I was still heading north and I knew that met up with 201. DOH! I was heading the wrong direction.

Taylorsville dead-ended into New Carlisle Pike. I took a right. It took me to 4 (South). I thought I knew where I was (I thought it was Spangler Rd.) and continued heading south. I passed a couple of exits not knowing which one to take until I saw Harshman and knowing that road very well took it. I took it north and took a right on 201.

Now I knew my way home. After driving around for an hour and a half to two hours.

This is another good argument for GPS that I was telling myself I seriously need. Oh, did I mention I suspect I have ADD. ;)

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Got one! That was the taunt that we (my friend, Ben, I and about 45 other people) heard twice battling the cold outside Best Buy in Beavercreek, OH Monday night through Tuesday morning. 2 cars drove by while we were waiting for the store to open and for the tickets to be handed out. The funny thing is: they were proudly holding Core systems (dumbasses!). I could have gotten a Core system easily hours earlier and wouldn't have been waiting in line for anything other than the Premium package.

Remember when I said a lot of waiting? (check 2 posts down) Well, I wasn't thinking 15 hours! Our original plan was to wait in nice warm Wal-Mart (which opened at midnight). We showed up around 3:30PM, which was 1 hour too late to get the Premium system (the only option IMO).

After the initial despair of being 1 hour too late (damn punks showed up as early as 8AM Monday, WTH!), we decided to check out Target, my next planned stop if the Wal-Mart fell through. Well, as usual the Target knew shit and were opening at 8AM, which was different from I read on the internet (supposedly they were going to open at midnight, too).

Well, we could have waited at Target, but if we did, we'd need to get some nourishment (which meant a quick stop to my local Buffalo Wild Wings; yummy!). I figured we should stop by Best Buy first because I knew they'd be getting more units in stock than Target and if they were opening at the same time, we'd have a better chance of picking one up.

Ben was going to go to the Springfield one, but I knew that the Fairfield Commons location was getting more units (stock was divvied up between retail chains and individual stores based on previous sales numbers). So, we headed over there after eating some boneless wings and were shocked to see that a line was already formed in front of Best Buy.

We hurried inside to take a leak and checked out the stock of the games and get some info: namely how many units they were getting and what time they were opening. Ben bought a Play & Charge kit (for his wireless controller) and Condemned. I bought Project Gotham Racing 3.

We headed outside to grab our spot, though we were absolutely unprepared to wait outside in the cold (and it was very cold: Low 27° + Wind Chill). We called my little brother, Dan, who without his help (a heavy blanket, a pair of wool socks, my beanie, 2 chairs [Ben's broke on him :)], my gloves coming hours later) in addition to his monetary donation, I would not have gotten one.

Another essential benefit to surviving that night was that I had my friend with me. I even made some new friends, who without them (Sean, you are absolutely hilarious!), I would have been bored to death. Thanks everyone for the help and support!

I don't have pics, but there were other people in line that were taking some (I'm probably floating around the net somewhere). There are also many reports on the web involved personal struggles and celebrations during the Xbox 360 launch (links from IGN):

Lastly, this link makes me feel better about spending $400 on a video game system. ;)
Top 10 Reasons to Buy an Xbox 360: Here's why you should jump in now.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

More updates, Audioscrobbler/

I've created images (I love transparent PNGs! :D ) and edited the code for my links.

Oh, and I've finally found a way (other than XBMC) is compatible with my music format (APE and/or FLAC) and supports Audiosrobbler/ foobar2k. I've used it a while ago, but was turned off by the really barebones UI, and after trying it out for a bit, went back to my favorite player: XMPlay.

Well, now that I've been trying to fill up my profile, the only way I could do that was with XBMC, but I don't always want to turn my Xbox on just to play music, or my TV/Entertainment Center's already being used. I'd been looking for a compatible plugin for the myriad of players supports, but I'd had trouble with Winamp, foobar (previoulsy using the 0.9 beta mainly to add ReplayGain tags to my files); I even used Windows Media Player (which I actually sorta like as a movie player).

I finally got foobar (the current official build) to work with the plugin (the 0.9 beta doesn't support it :-/ ) and I'm finding out I kinda like it. The audio quality is just as good (if not a little cleaner and sharper) than XMPlay w/ the Izotope Ozone Winamp DSP plugin), and with a few UI plugins, foobar is pretty usable.

I still like XMPlay, but I've been using foobar2000 exclusively to play my music lately (now if only XMPlay had a plugin ;)

Monday, November 14, 2005

Update to my site template

I just updated my site template and added my Xbox Live Gamercard to the sidebar in my pre-release excitement buildup for the Xbox 360 (just one more week, and a lot of waiting in line :( ).

Since I didn't pre-order one (not that a pre-order is even a guarantee to getting one), I'm going to have to wait in line at a couple of places with my friends in the hope of snagging one for me and one for my friend, Ben. We're planning our night out, but a couple of weeks ago, I didn't even think I'd have enough money to even buy one, so I wasn't really excited. Now, thanks to my surprisingly generous donation by my brother, I should have enough with my next paycheck.

Currently, my brother and I are looking for jobs right now, so pray for us. :)

Friday, September 30, 2005

Long time....

Long time since I've posted. Yes, I'm still actively engaged in next-gen gaming hysteria, though there are other things I do in my life, though that's stuff that I won't necessarily shared to the world via this blog, as my life isn't too exciting. :)

Since we've talked, my little brother has come home for the summer, had planned on going back to Wisconsin for another year of DTS'ing, but decided to stay for personal reasons. It's nice to have someone around, but at first it was hard to relinquish my control over my 'place'. I've since gotten used to it as he's been here for around 3 months now.

Hmm, not much else to say right now. :( I think I had more to say than this, but I woke up too early and couldn't go back to sleep, so I'm tired and my memory is shot.

Oh, I had a birthday a little over 2 weeks ago and got my friends to treat me to a Japanese steakhouse meal (think Beni Hana). I had sushi (one of my favs) and, for the first time, tried sashimi, which you wouldn't think would be too different than sushi, but it is. I found it not to be to my liking either. Sashimi takes a little too bland and it was almost making me puke eating a 'sashimi flower' (that's what I'll call it) with fish eggs on top. I ate in one swoop, but it was hard getting it down. I think I'll stick to sushi from now on. ;)

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

A good article on next-gen consoles

... by an actual developer!? Here's a really objective and realistic comparison between the two (hmm, and I thought there are going to be three; maybe I was wrong ;) upcoming next-gen consoles. This was written by Bizarre Creations technical director, developers of the Dreamcast game Metropolis Street Racer and the Xbox games Project Gotham Racing 1 and 2, as well as games I've never played before. :)

quote: "So in my eyes, this new generation of consoles is extremely exciting, and on an open and even playing field - it's all going to come down to the developers, the games and how it's all marketed!

They are busy working on Project Gotham Racing 3 for the Xbox 360 and it's going to be a launch title (can't wait for this fall; now to save up for it and the HDTV I'll need to buy).

To show you the level of detail they are working at (and the game still has gads of time to be worked on), I've put linked some images from their studio updates:

the road

some buildings you will race by in NYC
NYC Shot

NYC Shot

Pretty incredible, right?

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

More great interviews

Here's a great interview of J. Allard (every one that I've read has been great, though).

Q: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 … there have been rumblings about which system is technically superior. How does the hardware compare?

A: I think that basically [Sony] mislead people who were very specific about certain numbers in the press conference on Monday. We're launching a product campaign, they're launching a political campaign.

You can kind of go through it, and guys have completely torn it apart. In the end, it's basically a wash. You can make the case for us; you can make the case for them. We'll publish a whole bunch of details and you guys can speculate, but it's basically a wash.

What I can say is theirs will be harder to program for. And we're going to have better software support. Both of these machines are so sophisticated that theoretical performance doesn't matter. What matters is how much of the performance you can unlock, and the key to unlock performance is hardware/software.

J. Allard is such a down-to-earth guy that it's hard to think of him as being Microsoft's corporate VP. I've played with him on Xbox Live a bunch of times (he's a busy guy, so in the ~2 and a half years he's been on my friends list, he's rarely online). We've talked about things and he's very open and intelligent (this also comes through in all of his interviews). I respect this man very much and am glad that he decided to take on gaming. He is a gamer at heart and he listens to the community. He's a realist and a visionary at the same time. He's also very respectful of his competition and his allies (something one can't say for Sony). ;) He's not your typical exec.

There are MANY other similar excellent interviews I'm thinking of putting into this post (possibly at a later date).

Saturday, June 25, 2005


Well, I'm back from seeing Batman Begins in the only close IMAX theater here in southwest Ohio. I had initially planned with friends to go the 4:25PM showing, and although we didn't make it due to unforseen (and incontrollable circumstances), but we did get a refund for the tickets and bought some for the later showing (7:25).

On the way down there, we stopped in Middletown for some food. We ate at Sonic, which was pretty darn good. Then, while waiting for the movie to start, we waited in the theater's Bar & Grill. We had some drinks. That was one of the nicest theaters I've been to. The atmospere was like a hotel or something. They had a player piano going and live musicians performing. Plus the bar was nice and was cheap, too.

Also, one of my friends (Ben) who was going to go, couldn't because his Dad had fallen and injured his back and was going to be in surgery, so please pray for the best outcome.

The movie was good, though I thought the dialog seemed a little campy in places, and the comedic relief seemed forced. Overall, excellent Batman movie (you just know they are going to go sequel crazy with this, though if they can do for Batman, what's been done for Spiderman, bring it on!).

The IMAX theatre (which seemed like a regular theatre renovated into an IMAX theatre) didn't look too much different, UNTIL they started playing the movie, which was SUPER clear. While getting my refund at the help desk, I glanced over a display where they had some samples of IMAX film. IMAX movies come in 70mm reels, which is twice the size (and therefore twice the picture detail) as standard 35mm. Therefore, since the film itself is bigger, when the projector puts it up on the screen, it doesn't have to stretch it so much. Basically, twice as much picture detail in the same, or even bigger, space. I'd compare it to the difference between Standard Definition TV and HDTV. That's my layman's understanding, anyway. ;)

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Next-gen anticipation!

I like this quote : "At any rate, Playstation 3 fanboys shouldn't get all flush over the idea that the Xenon will struggle on non-graphics code (branch-intensive game control, AI, and physics). However bad off Xenon will be in that department, the PS3's Cell will probably be worse. The Cell has only one PPE to the Xenon's three, which means that developers will have to cram all their game control, AI, and physics code into at most two threads that are sharing a very narrow execution core with no instruction window. (Don't bother suggesting that the PS3 can use its SPEs for branch-intensive code, because the SPEs lack branch prediction entirely.) Furthermore, the PS3's L2 is only 512K, which is half the size of the Xenon's L2. So the PS3 doesn't get much help with branches in the cache department. In short, the PS3 may fare a bit worse than the Xenon on non-graphics code, but on the upside it will probably fare a bit better on graphics code because of the seven Spes."

I'm not so sure it will be that much better off in terms of graphics code with the Xenon having multiple VMX-128 vector units, which are nearly identical to what the SPEs do (the GPU and CPU are MUCH more innovative as well with the use of MS patented applications of procedural synthesis and having intelligent RAM on the GPU). These next-gen consoles are similar and very difficult to stack up in terms of comparisons as to what is better. It's not just as as 16 vs. 32 bit, the amount of polygons, pixel-fill rate, etc... They will look very similar in terms of graphics and performance and the devs will do better with better tools (which MS has always been good at providing; ex: XNA).

The initial mis-conception that the ps3 is another league in terms of performance is proven wrong with later technical discussions about the two that show that comparisons aren't so simple. If anybody still believes that those ps3 'demos' shown at E3 were 'actual gameplay representations' is in complete denial and is mostly likely one who jives with sony's cycle of over-hype/under-deliver and use of cute marketing buzz-words that are based on bullshit (the ps2's emotion engine, etc...). I'm also getting increasingly annoyed with Ken Kutaragi's arrogance and ignorant comments berating his competitors (it's almost like a political smear campaign except MS hasn't stooped to his level).

I have confidence in the fact that the Xbox 360 will not be under-powered and be sufficient to compete with the others, quite easily. The Xbox is receiving some strong Japanese support this time around (the one thing that was obviously lacking previously). Along with the fact that the Xbox 360 is actually coming out this holiday season, I have grown very fond of MGS' first-party lineup and am eagerly waiting to play some of these games.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


This past Sunday, I was able to go to the NHRA Finals near Columbus, Ohio by way of my friend, Ben, who's uncle has extra free tickets (thanks!). I'd never been to a top-fuel drag race before, or any races before for that matter, so it was exciting since I didn't know what to expect.

When we got there, we went back around to Nitro Alley, which was the pit area, and walked past all the crews getting the cars (and motorcycles) ready. After a quick tour of the pit area, we went back to other side of the strip where Ben's uncle usually hangs out, which is ride up against the fence some thirty feet away from the cars.

I had worried about my ears getting damaged and Ben was able to pick up a pair of earplugs for both of us at the one of the many vendors stationed around the track. Those were a life-saver, because once those top-fuel dragsters and funny cars were going, the amount of sound they made would have unbearable without protection.

These were the national finals, so there were vehicles and drivers all around the country there to compete (there was even the MAC Tools/West Coast Choppers Jesse James dragster). Each round consisted of both cars doing a burnout to warm the tires up and lay down some rubber on the track, then they lined back up at the "Christmas Tree" where they waited for the green light. Once those cars took off and passed by us, they vibration and heat you felt coming off of the engines was incredible. It really was like nothing I'd every experienced before. There were some great matchups, with differences in time coming as close as 1,2 and 3 thousanths of a second. There were some really fast speeds, with the top speed for the day being 334 mph, which was the fourth fastest time in the history of drag racing (which the same man also held 2 of the other fastest times).

After the top-fuel dragsters, there were top-fuel funny cars, then pro-stock cars, pro-stock motorcycles, super-gas cars, stock and modified cars. Only the top-fuel vehicles were really exhilerating to watch, with the pro-stock cars coming in a distant second.

There were elimination rounds for several hours in 65 minute intervals, so we didn't stay for the last round, but we left after either the last, or second to last, semi-final round of top-fuel dragsters and funny cars, and by that time, the weather had finally gotten to where it started raining right as we got to the car.

After we got back to Ben's uncle's house, we travelled home and saw Star Wars: Episode III, which was really cool (definitely the best of the 'new' trilogy).

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Drunk Driver!

Well, it's been a while since I last updated but there's been some things that have been going on that seemed more important than blogging and other than that, nothing else much happens here. I still need to flesh out my previous post about Detroit a little, but I've been lazy and preoccupied.

I attented my grandmother's funeral (I can't even remember if it was this week or last; my sleeping schedule's so messed up. That took about a week. My brother came home again for a bit, so that was a plus. Then, we all went up to Newcomerstown, Ohio to attend the funeral. I brought my dog, so I didn't go to the viewing the night before the funeral, but all of my cousins and most of the traveling families were staying in the Hampton Inn (what a coincidence, huh?) not far from my grandmother's homestead.

Then, back home to boring home. Well, I've watched lots of TV, spent a lot of time on the PC. Oh, I applied for a job at the bookstore at Ginghamsburg, but I must not have gotten it. I haven't done any sermons since.

My friend soft-modded his Xbox and installed Xbox Media Center, which is so cool. There's so much you can do with it, besides turning your Xbox into almost a Windows Media Center PC. You can listen to your music, whether it's off your PC, or any other PC on the same network. You can view DVDs (without the DVD remote), watch videos off your PC and look at pictures. You can even read RSS feeds and receive your weather from the Weather Channel's website. Other cool things you can do are change the color of the "Ring of Light" (the colored LED surrounding the eject button on the Xbox). Now, he's copying my games and backing them up for me, and he installed some emulators, along with ROMs supplied by me. If I didn't have Xbox Live, I might do it to mine. I'm a little envious.

Well, as for things this week and tonight especially, I've been keeping up with all the news that has been coming out of E3 so far (through handy RSS feeds in Trillian; I love feeds!). Xbox 360 I'm looking forward to, PS3 (a little, but not much) and am even impressed with the design of the Nintendo Revolution (so small). Now, all Xbox 360 needs is a slot-loading HD-DVD (or Blu-ray) drive (and maybe a few more cores) and it's perfect in my book. To me, it's the overal complete package of "hardware, software and services" (the official tagline) that makes it stand above the rest. Besides, I stopped liking Mario after SNES. :p

Tonight, though, my friend Randy (hmm, he sounds familiar) got me to go to the gym and work out (which I need to do). It was a nice mix of weight and cardio training (I need more cardio). Then, we went back to his place and played some Forza Motorsport on my Xbox on his HDTV (I NEED one bad!).

Then, at 2AM, I left for home taking Dixie and the way home, I was one car behind what, at first, appeared to be someone turning off to the left, as he went into the middle turn lane of the road. Then, he continued on, so I figured that he must have that he had to turn too early, only he kept driving in the middle lane for a while and I thought to myself, "What's this guy doing?"

Well, he stayed in the middle lane, but then he started weaving back and forth and I knew he was drunk. He started vearing into the incoming traffic's lane right in front of some dips, so he could've easily gotten into an accident. Then, his vearing became more violent and he pulled back over onto the proper side of the road. The car in front of me turned left and I continued to watch this pickup as he came very close to the curb. I was back a safe distance and I saw that he almost didn't stop at the red light at National Rd. I was hoping he would get pulled over and not get into an accident, and at that moment, I saw a sheriff pull to the side street to the right before coming to National. I kept watching him as he went through the light (I'm not sure if the light was green or not) and proceeding to run up onto the curb to the right and drive off of it (it felt like something out of Wildest Police Chases!). I pulled into the side street and pulled my window down, and yelled to the sheriff while pointing my hand straight at the truck, "Hey, there's a drunk driver up there, a pickup. I just saw him run up off the curb, so you need to pull him over, man!" Well, he took a right and came up to the red light, and stopped (most likely looking down National to see if he took a right towards I-70. He continued straight (the way the truck went) and sped up looking for him. I followed trying to make sure that he found him, but the truck, most likely knowing that he was being followed (or maybe not), pulled into a parking lot to the right where there was a bar (was this guy ducking from the cop or did he really need to get more drunk?!). The cop slowed up and turned around, then went into the parking lot. That's when I had gone far enough away, so that I could not see what happened after, but I hope that guy was taken off the street and punished. That was the worst display of drunkeness I've ever seen. It was shocking and horrifying at the same time.

Friday, April 29, 2005

Detroit Day 5: HFM, while back at home

Well, I got home from Radio Shack and picked up an adapter to connect a cellphone headset (or Xbox Live Communicator) to a PC soundcard's Mic and Output connections. I also stopped by GameStop to pre-order Forza Motorsport for the Xbox (can't wait for that game).

Here's my record of what I did yesterday in Detroit:

I waited for Randy to come back on his lunch break (which he told me would be around 11-ish). I had set the alarm for 10:30AM, but I couldn't get back to sleep, so I started reading the business section of USA Today, that we got each day, in the nice lounge chair in our room. I took a shower, a cold one, to help wake me up, but I still had that lagging achiness (I couldn't imagine how tired my friend must have been). This trip, and the lack of genuine sleep we hadn't gotten all week, was taking a toll on Randy and I.

I watched some TV and waited for him to show up. He didn't get to the room until almost 12PM, because he was let out late. We used the GPS phone to find out how to get to the Henry Ford Museum, but we knew it was going to take longer than we had anticipated and Randy would most likely be late getting back to his training. On the Oakwood St., about 2 blocks away from the museum, we saw 2 Ford GTs (pretty much the only Ford car I really car about). Anyone who knows me, knows that when I see a nice car like that, which I've never actually seen in person, only in videogames and pictures, I flip out. I yelled, "There's a Ford GT!" The first one was coming out of a parking lot and was red with white stripes. Then, just a little further down the road, a yellow with black stripes GT was just taking off from a red light. It was first in line and took off at an amazing pace, with an audible roar. I was shocked to see not one, but two. It made some sense to see them this close to the factory, though. Still, I was overjoyed just to have seen them. :)

When I got let out in front of the IMAX theatre that was a part of "The Henry Ford" (I still don't know why they call it that), I admired the exterior of the building (which was erected ~1929). I tried to snap off a quick shot, but my stupid camera has trouble with white balance and I had to swap out my old batteries.

After I got inside, I got my ticket. I was upset about the price, which was $14 PLUS $5 parking (even though I didn't even park; what a freakin' rip-off), but on the website was only $13. I only had a $20 bill, barely enough for admission alone.

I started down this 'road' that was painted on the floor and set off into the 100 years of Automobiles exhibit first. I passed by the car where JFK was assassinated, and several presidential automobiles. They had so many old cars all set up as a physical timeline with info and memorabilia in glass cases that you could read and look at. They had even had a Cadillac model from early in the 20th Century that was the first to feature the electric automatic self-starter, which was invented by Charles F. Kettering from Dayton, Ohio, who also started Delco. They had a photo of him testing it out and a copy of the original design sketch.

In fact they had so much to do and see there, that I was a bit overwhelmed and worried that I might run out of time and miss my 3 o’clock meet-up time when Randy was supposed to show up and pick me up.

Detroit Day 4: REN CEN, the day after

Okay, well I'm home now (got back around 6PM last night). I would've posted earlier, but I had to pack up my PC Wednesday night, so we could check out faster. I did write some notes to myself about what we did on Wed., so I will use that to refresh my memory. I'm glad to be home because of the security of my normal routine, but I'm also depressed that now I'm in a boring place. :/

Anyway, heres goes:

I told Randy about what I thought we should do instead of going to the Henry Ford Museum on Wed. and instead going into downtown Detroit, to see GM World and the Renaissance Center, then maybe taking the People Mover around (there's a station at the Ren Cen). That way we could see the downtown but still be (what I thought should be) relatively safe. Plus, if we didn't want to take the time to go around on the People Mover, but still see downtown, we could go up to the overlook at the top of the Ren Cen (only later did I learn that it doesn't have that feature anymore).

Randy asked the receptionist at our hotel about where we should go. The lady gave Randy the statement not to take the People Mover, not to go into Downtown (a sentiment all too common with Detroit locals) and instead, to go to Ann Arbor (Michigan University, I don't think so) or go into, but not outside of, Greektown (which is very close to the Ren Cen and in downtown; ironic, no?). Well, when Randy told me that another person had told him NOT to go downtown, and instead go somewhere, I just about lost it. Everybody has been telling us not to go downtown, mainly because (I think) Downtown has a bad reputation and everybody's afraid of going down there and forming their own opinion. We went through downtown on Tuesday night (one thing your "not supposed to do" is go into downtown at night) and it seemed fine. We didn't get stalked by anybody and there were no menacing characters lurking around ready to stab us the second we got out of our car.

Well, I finally got Randy to agree to go to the Ren Cen and GM World (which I knew closed at 5PM and we were rapidly losing time because of our disagreement) and not go onto the People Mover. He had to get up early and I thought that would be enough to make Wed. not seem like it was wasted and not something that would make us stay out too late. We got out on the road and hit some horrible traffic. We wasted about 30-45min. pretty much not going anywhere. When we finally got to where the traffic ended, we found out why: some dumbass left his car in one of the lanes (of which there were only two because of ongoing construction). After that, it was almost non-existant until we reached another slow-moving area, though nearly as bad as the earlier one. We found out later after getting through the traffic, that it was, yet again, caused by some dumbass breaking down in one of the two lanes (people like that should be sued if it's something that happens only because of their own ignorance, like running out of gas.

Well, we finally got into downtown (just around the time GM World was closing) and pulled up into the parking garage closest to the Ren Cen (provided to us by the GPS phone). We walked out onto the streets and gazed at the giant skyscraper (not as big as the Sears Tower, but wonderous none-the-less). We went into Marriot hotel across the street to try to take the "Skywalk" across to the GM Headquarters. We got lost for a bit, but found our way (on the way, a stop at Starbucks. ;) I talked to a security guard at a desk right after exiting and found out that GM World was indeed closed for the day and that they didn't have the overlook feature anymore. I was very disappointed, but I decided since I'm paying parking (a total I would find out later of $10; what a rip-off), we might as well do what we can here.

We went down to street-level again and went inside the front doors. We were greeted by some cars inside the building in a see-through glass exterior and continued on inside. We took an escalator down to where GM World was and found that we could still get a good look at it, even though we could go inside. There was a food court down here as well, and we decided to eat at a GyroWorld (good stuff, though a tad expensive). After eating, we walked around the perimeter of GM World and at the halfway mark, we took a side trip to the other side of the building overlooking Detroit River. There was a big atrium there with massive palm trees inside the building and some swanky shops scattered around. I went outside and took some photos of the building and looked over to Canada and could see the Ambassador Bridge (though none of the photos I attempted to take came out well). We went inside again and continued on our way around GM World. Then, on our way, I took some more photos and we left downtown, passing through Greektown, which did look pretty cool.

We headed back to our room to regroup and decide what to do next. I noticed that there was a message on our room's phone and I was sad to hear it. My mom had called me from home telling me that my Grandmother (the only grandparent I have left) had stopped eating and would most likely die soon. This came as a surprise, but I had known that this was coming, just didn't know when. She told me the were going to take a trip up there, but I didn't know if I would be back in time.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Detroit Day 4: Still rainy and cold

Earlier this week, by looking at's forecast, today was supposed to be the warmest and have the smallest chance of precipitation, but it's still rainy and cold. In fact, it's even colder than yesterday, and Monday, the day of the week that was 'supposed' to have rain/show showers, turned out to be the warmest and provide the most sunshine. :/

Anyway, my roomy had managed to swing it so that he could off earlier (3PM) so we could check out some of the places that close around 5 or 6PM. I'd like to go to the Henry Ford Museum, but since that costs $13 admission and we'll only be there for 1 1/2 hours max., I'm thinking we might just go somewhere else today, which is pretty much our last day to really do anything.
Tomorrow, though, I'll have to figure out where I'm going to wait around since we have to check out, and my friend has to work. I'd like to take that opportunity to check out some of the downtown area in the daytime (though it was nice and traffic-less last night), but without transportation for me to the city, I may just have to spend all day at a much less interesting place. :(

Now that I think about it, since my friend doesn't have as much money as he'd like and since he's told me he doesn't really want to pay that much admission for the Henry Ford Museum, I'm thinking he could drop me off there tomorrow and I'd spend all day there possibly. It's the closet to our hotel and his where's working, so it's probably the best place to be, while still giving me something interesting to do.

In that case, we might just go to the Ren Cen and GM World tonight. In any case, I'll need to pick up some batteries for my camera. ;)

Detroit Day 3: A Scenic, Energizing Night Drive

Well, after we were free, instead of working out, we instead went out and tried to get into the Buffalo Wild Wings location closest to our hotel, using the GPS phone telling us when to turn. Pretty cool, though the lag in calculating new directions is a little annoying.

After we found out the place was packed with Michigander's (no doubt from nearby Ann Arbor and University of Michigan), we decided to use the phone to tell us how to get to Starbucks (I need my Venti Mocha Frapp!). After that, we used the phone to go to a local bar and grill called Wheat & Rie (really close to our hotel). They said they were famous for their large portions and corned beef. They weren't kidding! I ordered a Reuben and 2 Guiness and the waitress brought over a HUGE sandwich (the biggest I've ever seen) and a gigantic bowl of nachos for my friend.

We were there when the Piston's were hosting (and stomping by a small margin) the Sixers. Every shot the entire crowded place reacted to. It was pretty cool, but I was kind of hoping the Sixers would win. ;)

After that, we came back to our hotel to regroup, and then we were off through Downtown for a tour of the rich coast line, Jefferson / Lakeshore Drive. We got through the city surprising easy, then got onto our road. It reminded a lot of Lakeshore Drive in Chicago overlooking Lake Michigan. You know there's a giant body of water not 20 feet from where you are driving sucking up all available light like a giant sponge. You can see the void out of the corner of your eyes and it gives somewhat of a claustrophobic feeling, sensing that the darkness will suck you up.

We took the road all the way up through to 16 Mile Rd. and Metropolitan Beach / Metro Beach Golf Club. On the way North, we caught glimpses of all the extemely extravagant mansions and enormous yachts. We didn't really get to focus on anything in particular because there was so much stimuli. On the way back though, we actually got out and stopped by Grosse Pointe Yacht Club and got out and looked at the towering seaward behemoths. I would have liked to have taken some pictures with my digital camera, but the batteries chose that time to go dead. :( We drove back past all of the private storage warehouses and repair shops and came upon a wondrous marina surrounding us. I would have liked to have gotten out and walked about, but there was a security 'jeep' tailing us, which we almost ran into because my friend wasn't paying much attention to his driving. We decided we'd seen enough and kept on back South on Jefferson.

We slowed up and paid more attention on the way back to the awe-inspiring mansions in Grosse Pointe Shores and actually drove down the side-streets lined with them. Every single house was incredible. I've never seen such extravagance and beauty. I'd like to come back during light, but it most likely wouldn't be as 'inviting'.

We kept going on Jefferson and passed through downtown and right by the Renaissance Center / GM Headquarters (amazing!) and the Detroit-Windsor Tunnel, then by a huge structure on the left (Old Mariner's Church?) and a gate house of some kind, both of which looked very old and intricate. Then, because of all the construction and rejuvination of Downtown Detroit, we had to use the GPS device again.

On the way back on I-94W, we just cranked up the some Tiesto and got consumed by the beats. What a fun and spontaneous night! I'm looking forward to more of this.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Detroit Day 2: Boring night

Well, we really didn't do anything like I had hoped we would. We are only going to be up here until Thursday, so we are running out of time to do activities. I hadn't done as much research about areas, but with the Nextel GPS-capable phone we were given to use while here, it makes finding our way around much easier.

Because most of the activites I am interested in doing involve places where their hours are only until 5 or 6PM, that places a HUGE limit on what we can do, because the earliest our free time starts is around 5.

Detroit is one of the most rundown cities in the country and even the locals are afraid of roaming around Downtown. They'd rather, and have told us to, go across the Canadian border to go clubbin'. The only thing is neither of us has our birth certificate and/or passport with us, so Canada looks to be out of the question. I would like to check out some of the old, still grand skyscrapers like the old 1922 GM Building and the Fisher Building. Then, there's the Renaissance Center and the new GM offices, which houses GM World. I had thought of integrating our downtown visit in one day, including riding the "People Mover".

After, when we were free, we worked out in the cardio room, then came back and showered (not together, of course!) and ate at an Lebanese restaurant nearby (my first time; reminded me a lot of Greek souvlakis, which I love!). Then, we regrouped back at our room, and decided that tonight would just have to be our 'recon' night.

We ended up taking 94 East to get to Downtown because I was interested in possibly taking photos of the Ambassador Bridge and after that, scouting out Downtown, though not actually going anywhere yet. We didn't get to get close enough to the bridge to get out and snap some photos off (the roads are a little confusing), but we did drive past Comerica Park (the new Tiger's ballpark) on the way through downtown. We passed by a venue where Bruce Springsteen was playing with his tour bus and several limos parked in front, including the longest Hummer H2 limo I've seen. On the same block, Audioslave was also playing at a seperate venue, as well. We also found out where the Bleu Room Experience is located (which was most likely closed anyway. We didn't really go anywhere in the downtown 'block', and went straight back to good ol' I-75 (familiar to us back home) and headed back to our hotel. On the way back, we had considered briefly venturing up towards Pontiac to see if we could find Space, but decided not to and instead stopped at a convenient Krispy Kreme and got sick off sugary temptations. While at our 'pad, we talked outside for a bit, and watched a movie on the telly.

Now, it's rather late and I'm here writing a HUGE post on my blog, while I remember all this. :)

Here's a somewhat organized, though preliminary list of what I'm interested in seeing while up here in the Big D:

  • Downtown Detroit / People Mover (Mon-Thur 7AM-11PM, Price $0.50)

    West Grand Boulevard between 22nd Ave. and Cass St.

    Fisher Building

    1922 GM Building

    Renaissance Center / GM World (100 Renaissance Center, Level A)

    Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.-9 p.m.

  • Eastern Market

    Mon.-Sat. 5 a.m.-5 p.m.

    Corner of Russell Street and Gratiot, Detroit, MI 48207

  • Henry Ford Museum / Greenfield Village

    9:30AM-5PM Price $26 both , $13 HFM, $19 GV

    20900 Oakwood Blvd, Dearborn, MI

  • Belle Isle (Park) / Belle Isle Aquarium

    Daily 6 a.m.-10 p.m.

    or Detroit Zoo

    Daily 10AM-5PM

    8450 W. 10 Mile Road, Royal Oak, MI 48068

  • Poletown / Greektown / Corktown / Mexicantown / etc...

  • Hart Plaza

    1 Hart Plaza, Jefferson at Woodward, Detroit, MI 48226

  • Grosse Pointe / Edsel Ford House

    April – December: Tues–Sat, 10am–4pm; Sun noon-4pm

    1100 Lake Shore Road, Grosse Pointe Shores

  • Tom's Oyster Bar

    L Mon.-Sat. 11 a.m.-4 p.m., D Mon.-Thu. 4-11 p.m., Fri.-Sat. 4 p.m.-midnight, Sun. 5-10 p.m.

    15402 Mack Ave., Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48224

  • Walter P. Chrysler Museum

    Tue-Sat 10AM-6PM Price $6

    1 Chrysler Drive, Auburn Hills, MI 48326

  • Detroit Historical Museum / (Automotive Hall of Fame?)

    Open daily 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Price $6 adults

    21400 Oakwood Blvd., Dearborn, MI 48124

  • Fisher Mansion

    Price $6

    383 Lenox St., Detroit (Located near E. Jefferson Ave. and Dickerson)

  • Blue Room Experience

    1540 Woodward Ave., Detroit, MI 48226

  • Space

    15 S. Saginaw, Pontiac, MI 48342

  • Sky Club

    Wed.-Thu. 8PM-2AM; Fri.-Sat. 7PM-2AM; Sun. 9PM-2AM Price $5 cover

    404 S. Lafayette Drive (above Sangria restaurant), Royal Oak, MI 48067


  • Canada Trip (?) / Ambassador Bridge / Detroit-Windsor Tunnel

Monday, April 25, 2005

Detroit Day 2: Tired

I couldn't get much sleep last night and am ragged right now. I think it had something to do with working out at the hotel's gym and taking a supplement too late.

Anyway, earlier last night, had today's weather up here as Rain/Snow showers, but right now it's 58° F and partly cloudy. That's much nicer than they had previously predicted. That just goes to show that meteorology is still not an exact science. Nicer weather should definitely make this trip much more enjoyable.

Detroit Day 1: First day in D!

Well, I'm here in Detroit right now sitting comfortably in my room. I was a little worried that I wouldn't be able to connect to the internet, but this hotel has graciously supplied a wireless bridge that I got to work with WinXP lickety-split.

I've never messed with a WLAN, but it was surprisingly easy. I still wish I had a decent laptop (just powerful enough to do email, run swiftly, and be light and portable. I'd still love to have a TabletPC, if only they were less expensive. I'd rather have a powerful desktop than spend a grand on a laptop that is too static, too propietary, and obsolete in a year or two. I only spent about $500 on the raw components that make up my current desktop and I'm super pleased getting mostly new and powerful features and not spending a bundle.

I'll be taking some pictures and then transfering them to this PC, so if I take the time to get an account with 'Hello!" or something (the only, or rather "preferred", according to Google) to post pictures on your blog, I'll post some up on here.

I'll try to write at least once a day on here (more for posterity for my own sake) and when my memories are still fresh in my mind. Stay tuned...

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Detroit trip!

Well, it's been a while since I posted last on here. I'm going with a friend to Detroit and will be gone all next week. The only thing is that I checked the weather and for some reason the weather had to turn sour. :(

I'm trying to figure out what we're going to be doing, but there are a couple cool clubs and places to visit up there, that I will see if possible. I'd like to check out Club Space in Detroit, maybe Bleu Room (there's a Gabriel and Dresden show there next Sat.). I'm thinking about also visiting the Henry Ford museum while there. My cousins and there family used to live up in Pontiac (or near there) and I visited them up there once when I was young. The things I remember now are playing Super Mario Bros. and Duck Hunt on their NES, watching Short Circuit on cable, and driving by the Silver Dome (weird the things that are burned into your memory).

Monday, April 11, 2005

Dan's return.

Well, my little brother is home from his school right now (to visit my older brother who recently had a stroke which almost crippled him, and to celebrate his birthday). He isn't going to be home for very long and I'd like every second to be rewarding, but real-life doesn't work that way. I'm glad just to see him and share some games with him, but he's more restless. We watched the Ultimate Fighter live show last Sat. and were impressed, though really only by the second fight (damn, you guys are tough!). Ok, I just woke up, so it's either wake up or back to bed (I'm an insomniac, so I think I know which it will be...).

Monday, April 04, 2005

back from Anderson

I got back yesterday from visiting my cousin and his parents in Anderson, IN this past weekend. It was fun and I got a chance to hang out, talk and play some games. I had meant to bring my camera, but I had forgotten. I also wish I had picked up some more sleep, even if sleeping on the floor didn't seem very appealing.

Friday, April 01, 2005


Wow, I got Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (Xbox) on Tue. and haven't really stopped playing it since. GREAT game! The single player missions are great and the online co-op is absolutely amazing. I should be getting it for my computer to play at max detail soon.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Too much TV!

Good Ultimate Fighter tonight (I can't believe I somehow missed last weeks'). I've never seen any UFC and I used to think that WWE was stupid, until my little brother got me into it and I couldn't resist the cheap drama, if only as filler for actual 'fights' (that's why I quit watching: TOO much drama!)

I have a DVR supplied by my cable company (TimeWarner) and I love using it to catch all the shows I like, without much setup beyond setting if I want it to record reruns or new (though it also records new shows that are re-broadcast 3 hours later for PST).

Here are some of the shows I like that I have setup:


Just starting watching it this season; I've been spoiled on HBO, so I haven't bothered watching much network television

American Chopper

I love the conflict, humor, and (somewhat) information this show offers

Monster Garage

Similar reason to above

WRC Rally Magazine on Speed Channel

I love rally racing and HATE Nascar (find it boring)!


This show is fun to watch when you want to see things get blown up and learn some useless things.

It Takes a Thief

Fun show to watch in this game of 'cat and mouse'; I always root for the thief. :) It's sad that we do have to protect ourselves to the extent that these guys give the homeowners they burgle, but it's entertaining and informative.


A decent drama with plausible tech-related scenarios, good acting and not cheesy.


The first show(s) to get me to watch network again (don't like Miami, though).

Hey! Spring of Trivia

Funny, quirky, Japanese game show with interesting trivia.

Aqua Teen Hungerforce

My favorite characters are Meatwad, Carl and Master Shake

Home Movies

Haven't seen any new ones, but I just love Coach McGurk and the 'sinus-kid'.

Sealab 2021

This season is REALLY BAD, especially compared to previous seasons where Cap'n Murphy was 'on-board' (R.I.P.). Basically, the show is hit-or-miss but these new ones just really don't make any sense and are not funny at all.

The Brak Show

Dad is hilarious!

Crank Yankers!

I like Special Ed.

Fifth Gear

Good, variety car show from Britian.


Gut-bustingly hilarious! I love it for the impacts and the voice-overs.


Cool car show.

Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex

I've been into anime since 1989 and I usually can't stand American mass-marketed English dubs, but the CN aired version is tolerable. (on a side note: I prefer the original language, but I don't know why the don't take advantage of SAP to air the JP language tracks and use the closed-captions for the subtitles, then you'd please both fans of dubs and subs).


Chip Foose never ceases to amaze me with his artistic and design skills, as well as the cars he produces. ;) I wish I could be that lucky to receive and 'overhaul'.


Great post-Simpsons Matt Groening. Bender's probably my favorite character.

Dominick Dunne: Power, Privilege and Justice / The Investigators / North Mission Road / Forensic Files / I, Detective / Body of Evidence / Extreme Evidence / etc...

Some of the many CourtTV shows I'm hooked on (first CSI, then progressed to CourtTV).

Then, there's the original shows on HBO (Carnivale, Deadwood, etc...) that I watch on VideoOnDemand. With all this entertainment at my fingertips, it's not wonder I don't get much work done here. :)

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Thomas' stroke

I just got back from visiting my brother in the hospital (he just had a stroke March 17th). He's looking a LOT better and I'm happy that he's getting his mobility back. They are having a 'meeting' on Tuesday this week to assess how long he will have to stay in the hospital and how he's progressing. Oh, and Happy Easter! :)

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Drunk CS!

Hey, I'm playing CounterStrike: Source on my old friend's clan server ( and I'm drunk off Newcastle Brown Ale. How nice it is to just relax and shoot down counterterrorists while tipsy. I need to get a mic so I can use TeamSpeak to chat with them while playing though. I'd like to be able to find some way to use my Xbox Live mics on the PC!

Friday, March 25, 2005

PC Upgrade.

Well, I'm loving my new computer setup (it's been a long time since my last upgrade).

Specs (if you care):
CPU: AMD Athlon64 3200+

MB: nForce 4 Ultra- PCIe, SATA2, USB2.0, etc...
GPU: nVidia GeForce 6600GT PCIe 128MB GDDR3 RAM

Now maybe I can get back into 3D art and animation with a more capable computer, but I've noticed an improvement just with my IM program, Trillian, not to mention now I can play CounterStrike Source and Half-Life 2. I would, of course, be posting any good 3D art I do on this blog.

This is what I'm upgrading from (nearly 4 years ago):
CPU: Intel Pentium 3 800EB
MB: Asus CUSL2 Intel 815e chipset- 133MHz FSB, AGP 8x, etc...

GPU: nVidia GeForce2 GTS Deluxe 32MB VRAM

Setting out the welcome mat!

Well, if you know me, then you've got to be thinking, why's this guy 'need' a blog. Well, I don't, but I missed having a journal and thought I might as well open my life so someone could stalk me (not an actual invitation, btw). I don't know how often I'll update, but if you know me, then you can expect a long-winding, bunch of gibber-gabber. Let's see how long it takes for me to update. :)