Well, I decided that, me being lazy and comfortable with my current position, I'd stay working where I'm at. For both positions, I'd supposedly need to be actively taking classes, so it would be better (even though I'm sure the pay rate is lower) to be where I'm at already. Also, that extra tutor position might not go through as the classes I would be helping out with will most likely be canceled due to a lack of registered students.
I was in a bit of pickle with the classes being offered as the English class I wanted to take was only open and being offered by a teacher that isn't the best one (though I checked the next day and the one I wanted was open). Also, I was able to take a Photography class that is required by my degree, so I didn't have to take another unnecessary class again just to get my 6 credits. I bought my books online used, saved some money, but now the wait begins. Hopefully, they arrive before I actually need them. I also need to hunt down an 35 or 120mm film SLR, and get film and print paper by next Tuesday. That one might be kinda tough.
As for my last quarter, I finally finished up on Monday. That research paper was kickin' my ass, but I got it done and finished up my online class with a final exam. Then, on Tuesday, I did three 20 minute quizzes and the final exam all in one class period because I didn't think I would be there for the last class period yesterday due to my scheduled (but then later
re-scheduled jury duty). I'm glad to be done, but already next week on Tuesday, I've got another English class to have to deal with, as well as the Photography class, with not even a week of rest between quarters.
I could have taken the summer off and gotten a real (better-paying job) and been happy, but I'd like to get my English out of the way and be done with it.