Monday, April 16, 2007

Moving Friends, College Life

Well, this past weekend I helped my friend, Ben, move into his new place with his roommate. He had lots of help and I feel exhausted, but I'm glad he got such a nice place and I hope to visit him up there often (time and schedule permitting).

I'm settling into college life and this will be my third quarter back after my long hiatus. I'm taking it easy right now mainly due to the limited window I can take my classes. I'm taking English Composition II right now and it's a pain in the ass. I'm glad the rest of my schedule is so lax, therefore I can really not be stressed out about the commitment it takes to write these papers. It's my first class online at my current college and it's a bit different.

After ENG-112, I'm planning to take ENG-113 (my last english course for my degree) in the summer online. Once I get done with that, I'll be done with all of my gen-ed classes out of the way and I'll just have fun classes left. Photoshop, photography, 3D software; I'd already taken these at my old college, but Sinclair isn't taking my transfer credit for them, which kind of sucks. I have about 2 more years to do, and I was quite a ways to getting my Assosciates Degree before, so it kind of feels like I'm starting over from scratch. At least they took almost all of my gen-ed classes.

On the personal front, still single and I have a friend who will be soon, as well. He's going through a difficult divorce right now and I've had to keep him company and try to be there for him through this rough time. It's hard trying to give advice in a situation you have no knowledge of. The best I can give him is just to keep seeing his counselor, get a lawyer, keep working out at the gym, and keep praying. It looks like he'll be moving soon, too, so I'll help him move again. I think I've helped him move over 5 times now.