Friday, July 27, 2007

Alpha Dog - Dan's clone kicks ass!

So, my little brother and I were watching a movie he got from Netflix the other night. One of the reasons I think he picked Alpha Dog, the movie we watched, was that one of the main actors in it was someone I call "Dan-Doppelganger". Ben Foster is his actual name, but I like mine better. :) In fact, he looks so much like Dan (and me to some extent) I've made his portrait my Xbox Live public gamerpic (look to right of this post).

Now, I've seen Ben Foster in many other movies, one of the first being "Bang, Bang, You're Dead!". In Alpha Dog, he plays a crazy pot-head (not much unlike Dan in a less savory part of his life). He's Jewish in the movie and is all tattoo-ed up and reminds me of Edward Norton in American History X, but when he gets really intense, he starts knocking people down, ala Bruce Lee. In one scene, he even straight-punches some small girl for some reason. It's a pretty good movie and Ben Foster's intensity makes his scenes really stand out.

For some comparison shots:

Ben Foster:

My brother, Dan (I know, not the best picture but all I have here at work)

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

"Arbor Vitae"

Click to view Arbor Vitae exhibit info Well, my brother is having another benefit event. This time at Ha-Ha Pizza in Yellow Springs on Thursday August 9th at 7:00 PM till 9:00 PM. The address is 108 Xenia Avenue Yellow Springs, OH 45387.

His art will be displayed in the gallery and can be sold. Click on the graphic he made to read more info about it.