Friday, September 29, 2006

No Hobart for you!

The job-nazi spat this in my face as I got a call from Rachel (a very nice-looking woman) whom I met with Wednesday.

She told me that I might be able to get into the other location of Honda, but that they were 2nd-shift and I wouldn't be able to do that because of my class schedule.

Then, she told me of her friend who works at Honda and told me to call her about possibly getting a job there.


Anonymous said...

I just today re-found your blog again (I'd previously lost my bookmarks when my computer hard drive died).

So, my wedding is in a week! I feel pretty confident it will go well, but it sure makes me and Lyz nervous! Thanks for being an important part of the ceremony.

with love,

your bro,


Tim Watson said...

Thanks for dropping by "your bro"! It will be a busy week, but there's the honeymoon to look forward to! ;)